5,000 Doses of AstraZeneca Vaccine in NTT Expired

Thursday, 11 November 2021 – 16:10 GMT+7
5,000 Doses of AstraZeneca Vaccine in NTT Expired - JPNN.com English
A health worker prepares the Covid-19 vaccine during a vaccination program at Citra Bangsa University in Kupang, NTT / Credit: ANTARA, Kornelis Kaha

Currently, out of a total of three million targeted residents in NTT, 46 percent have received their vaccine injections. (antara/lia/mcr20/JPNN)

This news has been broadcast on JPNN.com with the title: 5.000 Dosis Vaksin AstraZeneca Jatah NTT Kedaluwarsa, Fakta Mengejutkan Terungkap

At least 5,000 doses of AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine in NTT have expired.