Benefits of Cinnamon for Your General Health, Sexual Life

Saturday, 20 November 2021 – 17:04 GMT+7
Benefits of Cinnamon for Your General Health, Sexual Life - English
Cinnamon boiled water / Credit: Pixabay

Here are the great benefits of consuming cinnamon boiled water mixed with honey for your health:

1. Increasing body metabolism

Cinnamon is proven effective in reducing blood sugar, which plays an active role in losing weight.

Cinnamon is very good for controlling insulin levels so that it can increase the body's metabolism.

If the body's metabolism is high, then healthy carbohydrates will be stored without being converted into energy, which will burn more calories in a short time.

2. Treating the flu

Cinnamon powder contains antioxidants and antibacterials that are very good at fighting harmful bacteria, improving blood flow, and increasing oxygen levels in the blood.

Cinnamon also provides a natural warm temperature in the body so that in just 20 minutes consuming this cinnamon powder, you can overcome flu symptoms such as sore throat, cough solution, sneezing, and nasal congestion.

Cinnamon is one type of herb that has efficacious properties for health.