MUI Removes Member Arrested for Alleged Terrorism, JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) has removed Ahmad Zain An-Najah after he was arrested by the National Police anti-terrorism squad (Densus 88) on suspicion of involvement in terrorism.
The decision was stated in a letter numbered Kep-2818/DP-MUI/XI/2021 signed by MUI chairman Miftachul Akhyar and MUI secretary general Amirsyah Tambunan, dated November 17.
"We deactivate the person concerned as an MUI administrator until there is clarity in the form of a decision that has permanent legal force," the letter wrote, as received by, Wednesday (17/11).
In the letter, MUI also requested that law enforcement officers work professionally by prioritizing the principle of presumption of innocence in investigating the case.
"His rights should be fulfilled to obtain good and fair legal treatment," it said.
Previously, MUI Deputy Secretary General for Law and Human Rights, Ikhsan Abdullah, confirmed that Ahmad Zain was a member of the MUI Fatwa Commission.
"He is an MUI board member, a member of the MUI Fatwa Commission, and also a member of the DSN or the National Sharia Council," Ikhsan said on Tuesday (16/11).
According to him, MUI does come from various groups of people. Zain joined MUI from the Islamic Da'wah Council (DDI) group.
MUI has removed Ahmad Zain An-Najah after he was arrested by Densus 88 on suspicion of involvement in terrorism.
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