Covid-19 Cases Increase in Nine Regions in Indonesia

Sunday, 07 November 2021 – 18:54 GMT+7
Covid-19 Cases Increase in Nine Regions in Indonesia - English
Minister of Communications and Information, Johnny G. Plate / Credit: Ricardo, JPNN

"Don't repeat the same mistakes, so we are safe from Covid-19," he said.

The minister also invited all regional leaders to be more active in monitoring every parameter of the pandemic mitigation on a regular basis in order to take quick steps to anticipate a spike in cases.

The parameters he referred to are the number of active cases, the positivity rate, and the bed occupancy ratio (BOR).

He also emphasized that local governments must strengthen their vaccination coverage, 3T (testing, tracing, and treatment), and the use of PeduliLindungi app in various places, such as malls, cafes, markets, and tourist attractions.

"All parties must play a role in enforcing health protocols as a form of anticipation to reduce the risk of Covid-19 transmission," he added. (antara/mcr20/jpnn)

This news has been broadcast on with the title: Kasus COVID-19 Melonjak di Eropa, di Indonesia Meningkat Pada 9 Wilayah

The number of Covid-19 cases are reported to have bounced back in nine regions in Indonesia.