Armed Policeman Rampages in Nairobi, His Wife Becomes First Victim

Tuesday, 07 December 2021 – 21:13 GMT+7
Armed Policeman Rampages in Nairobi, His Wife Becomes First Victim - English
AK-47 / Credit: AFP

In an incident in 2010, a police officer in Siakago City, 120 kilometers northeast of Nairobi, shot dead 10 people, including two of his colleagues. (ant/dil/mcr20/jpnn)

This news has been broadcast on with the title: Oknum Polisi Bersenjata AK-47 Mengamuk di Ibu Kota, Istrinya Jadi Korban Pertama

A Kenyan police officer on Tuesday went on a rampage in Nairobi, shooting dead six people, including his wife.