Exhibitionist at Jakarta's Sudirman Station Arrested

jpnn.com, JAKARTA - Local police have arrested a man suspected of showing off his genital to a stranger near the Sudirman Station in Central Jakarta.
Tanah Abang Police criminal investigation unit head Adjutant Commissioner Haris Akhmad Basuki said the perpetrator (27), identified with the initials WYS, was arrested by the police in the Karet area, Central Jakarta, on Sunday (24/10).
To the police, WYS admitted that he was inspired by his friend who had committed a similar act.
"His first confession was that he followed his friend's behavior. He often saw his friend doing that," Haris said on Monday (25/10).
The police are still investigating the perpetrator. It's unknown if any charge has been made.
The incident was caught on CCTV and went viral on social media.
As seen in the video circulating, the man showed off his genital when a woman walked past him.
The woman immediately ran away.
A man was suspected of showing off his genital to a stranger near the Sudirman Station in Central Jakarta.
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