212 Reunion in Public Needs Permit, Ferdinand Hutahaean Says

jpnn.com, JAKARTA - Community Justice Foundation chairman Ferdinand Hutahaean has responded to the 212 reunion plan at the Horse Statue, Central Jakarta, on Thursday (2/12).
According to Ferdinand, the 212 reunion committee could not differentiate between a reunion and an expression of opinion.
He emphasized that what was regulated in the law was only an expression of opinion in public, which did not require permission from authorities, only notification.
"This is a reunion, not an expression of opinion. It means they need permission," Ferdinand told JPNN.com, Wednesday (1/12).
The former Democrat Party politician said that the 212 reunion committee must understand the rules especially because the nation was still in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.
He said that if the committee insisted on holding a reunion in public without a permit from the police, authorities must take action.
"Arrest the committee, all must be processed by law," said Ferdinand.
Ferdinand also asked military officers to help the police in handling the upcoming reunion.
Ferdinand Hutahaean said the 212 reunion committee needed permission from authorities to hold their plan in public.
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