Thousands of Workers in East Java Demand Minimum Wage Increase

Monday, 29 November 2021 – 23:17 GMT+7
Thousands of Workers in East Java Demand Minimum Wage Increase - English
Workers unfurled posters rejecting low wages in front of the Grahadi State Building, Surabaya / Credit: Ardini Pramitha, JPNN

"There has been no information whether Governor Khofifah would want to meet the demonstrators," said Nuruddin. (mcr23/mcr20/jpnn)

This news has been broadcast on with the title: Sampai Magrib, Gubernur Khofifah Tak Kunjung Temui Massa Buruh

Thousands of workers from various regencies and cities in East Java packed the Grahadi State Building, Surabaya, Monday (29/11).