Thousands of LDII Followers Flock to MUI Solo Office, SURAKARTA - Thousands of Indonesia Institute of Islamic Dawah (LDII) followers flocked to the office of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) on Jalan Sungai Serang I No. 313, Semanggi, Pasar Kliwon Surakarta, Saturday (6/11) morning.
They came in droves after getting a short message via WhatsApp that read:
"Assalamualaikum.... How are the commanders doing???"
"Just for information and asking for help, that today 6-11-21 Ustaz Ichwan Hadi S.Pdi, who was a former LDII [member] will be summoned by the MUI to be asked for information about the deviation of the teachings of LDII, and the information was that the LDII congregation does not accept it and they want to come to the MUI office with their congregation. So with this, friends of the Commander who have time can come to the MUI office for the security of Ustaz Ichwan Hadi S.Pdi."
The mass had to be dispersed by the police because it was quite large.
"The notice to the police was that there would be only 40-70 participants. In fact, there were thousands of participants," said Pasar Kliwon Police chief Adjutant Commissioner Achmad Riedwan Prevoost.
Around 70 members of the police, as well as military personnel, secured the location.
"We have also met with related parties to anticipate crowds when holding activities like this," Achmad continued.
Thousands of Indonesia Institute of Islamic Dawah (LDII) followers flocked to the office of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI).
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