Nearly 100 Arrested for Illegal Loaning in Pantai Indah Kapuk, JAKARTA - The police arrested 98 workers and one office manager of an illegal online loan company in Pantai Indah Kapuk, Penjaringan, North Jakarta.
"Tonight, we secured one manager in charge here and 98 employees," said Jakarta Police spokesman Senior Commissioner Endra Zulpan, Wednesday (26/1).
They were arrested in a raid carried out by the cyber unit of the Jakarta Police at one of the shophouses in Pantai Indah Kapuk.
The employees worked in two teams, one of which would contact customers whose loans would be due soon and the other would reach out to customers who have delayed payments.
All arrestees were brought to the Jakarta Police Headquarters for intensive examination.
Zulpan said the raid was carried out after the police learned that the company did not have a legal permit.
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They were charged with the ITE Law and the consumer protection law, which could bring them five years of prison time. (antara/mcr20/jpnn)
This news has been broadcast on with the title: Polisi Amankan 98 Karyawan dan 1 Manajer Perusahaan Pinjol Ilegal di PIK
The police arrested 98 workers and one office manager of an illegal online loan company in Pantai Indah Kapuk.
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