Two Killed in Clashes Between Residents in Central Maluku, MALUKU - Two people died during clashes that broke out at the border between Kariuw village and Ori village in Haruku Island district, Central Maluku regency, Maluku, Wednesday (26/1) morning.
"According to the reports we received, there were two people died and three others injured," said Maluku Police spokesman Senior Commissioner Mohamad Roem Ohoirat.
One of the three people injured was a police officer.
The policeman reportedly suffered injuries to his jaw after being shot by the clashing residents.
Residents brought firearms to the clashes.
The injured police member has been taken to a hospital in Ambon to receive intensive care.
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The Maluku Police are still looking into other possible victims. (cuy/mcr20/jpnn)
This news has been broadcast on with the title: Bentrokan Warga di Maluku Tengah Pecah, Dua Tewas, Seorang Polisi dan 2 Orang Terluka