Construction of New Capital City Remains Priority in 2022 - Finance Minister Sri Mulyani has said the construction of the new capital city remains one of the important aspects in the 2022 State Budget.
Nevertheless, Covid-19 mitigation and economic recovery are top priorities, according to the President's direction.
"The state budget needs to be maintained for Covid-19 mitigation, economic recovery, social protection, and a global turmoil anticipation. However, there are also national priorities such as the capital city development," said Sri during a press conference in North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan, Thursday (6/1).
The former World Bank managing director said that the government would finance the construction of the new capital city with the approval of the House of Representatives (DPR).
Meanwhile, the planning and design would be done by the Public Works and Public Housing Ministry (PUPR), she added.
Sri emphasized that the government would not sacrifice decency, aesthetics, and the hope that the new capital city would become a center for good economic, cultural, social, and political activities. (antara/mcr20/jpnn)
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This news has been broadcast on with the title: Sri Mulyani Bocorkan Hal Penting soal Ibu Kota Baru
The construction of the new capital city remains one of the important aspects in the 2022 State Budget.
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