Tank-Like Object Found by Fishermen in Bintan Waters

jpnn.com, BINTAN - The Indonesian Navy is investigating a tank-like object found by fishermen in the waters of Buruan Island, Bintan regency, Riau Islands.
"Physically, it looks like a tank," said a navy officer, First Admiral Tjahja Setiawan, Wednesday (29/12).
Tjahja said that a manual inspection showed that the orange-colored object was made of 0.2 centimeter thick metal.
On its sides, there are styrofoam attached, which makes the object float on the surface of the sea water.
"An investigation is ongoing," Tjahja said.
Tjahja suspected that the tank-like object was the same as the one previously found in the waters of Natuna regency.
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The object might have been carried away by the current.
"So far, we have only found that one object," said Tjahja. (antara/mcr20/jpnn)
This news has been broadcast on JPNN.com with the title: Ada Benda Menyerupai Tank di Perairan Bintan, TNI AL: Penyelidikan sedang Berlangsung
A tank-like object was found by fishermen in the waters of Buruan Island, Bintan regency, Riau Islands.
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