BMKG Warns of Floods, Landslides in Four NTT Districts, NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR - The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has warned of floods and landslides in four districts in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT).
The four districts are Mbeliling, Boleng, Komodo, and Sano Nggoang.
"The potential for heavy rains and landslides should be wary of residents living in the four districts in West Manggarai," West Manggarai BMKG Komodo Meteorological Station head Sti Nenotek said in Labuan Bajo.
The BMKG has issued an alert warning based on a weather forecast in West Manggarai. The forecast takes effect on December 12 and December 13.
Sti urged the people of West Manggarai, especially those living in the four districts, to be careful when doing outdoor activities.
Floods will inundate some roads and settlements, and flood flows will disrupt community activities on a small scale.
Other potential impacts include short-term disruptions to drinking water, electricity, gas, school operations, and hospital services.
Landslides or rock fall will occur on a small scale, and there will be waterlogging in coastal areas or lowlands on a small scale.