Health Expert Warns of Fast Spread of Omicron in Indonesia, JAKARTA - The detection of local transmission of Omicron should be a public concern in Indonesia, said Tjandra Yoga Aditama, a professor of pulmonology and respiratory medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.
"Now that it is official there is local transmission in the community, we must not let it spread widely," said Tjandra in a statement received in Jakarta.
The Health Ministry revealed that there was one locally transmitted Omicron case in Indonesia. The carrier had gone out to eat at a restaurant in the SCBD area in Jakarta.
"Testing and tracing efforts must be carried out optimally, perhaps as optimal as in June and July 2021. The use of the PeduliLindungi application for tracing must also be carried out," said Tjandra.
According to him, the government must also anticipate an increased need for health facilities.
"The readiness of health facilities must be intensified from now on, starting from primary health services such as community health centers to hospitals," he said.
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On the other hand, Tjandra reminded the general public to strictly implement health protocols.
"If there is a suspicion of you being a close contact, then immediately go check yourself. Don't be afraid of testing positive," he said. (mcr10/mcr20/jpnn)
This news has been broadcast on with the title: Peringatan Serius Ahli soal Transmisi Lokal Omicron, Semua Diminta Bersiap
The detection of local transmission of Omicron should be a public concern in Indonesia, a medical professor in Jakarta said.
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