These Three Places in Indonesia Are Covid-19 Free, SULAWESI BARAT - Good news has unfolded in Indonesia's West Sulawesi as data shows that there are no Covid-19 patients in three areas of the province.
In the last five days, no Covid-19 patients were treated at hospitals in three regencies.
"The three regencies are Mamasa, Majene and Pasangkayu regencies," said the spokesman for the West Sulawesi Covid-19 task force, Safaruddin Sunusi, in his statement on Thursday (21/10).
There were only four Covid-19 patients in West Sulawesi, Safaruddin added. They are currently being treated at hospitals in Mamuju, Central Mamuju, and Polewali Mandar regencies.
There was an additional one Covid-19 patient in Majene and three in Mamasa, but they have all recovered. In addition, three Covid-19 patient in Mamuju and five in Polewali Mandar have also recovered.
The total number of Covid-19 cases in West Sulawesi has reached 12,305, with 11,907 recoveries and 342 deaths. There are 52 patients who are self-isolating.
Safaruddin said that no Covid-19 patients in West Sulawesi had died from the disease in the last 10 days, based on data from the West Sulawesi Covid-19 task force.
"Hopefully, these conditions will persist. The government must continue to impose strict health protocols and carry out vaccinations," he said. (antara/mcr20/jpnn)
There have been no Covid-19 patients in three areas of the West Sulawesi province in Indonesia in the last five days.
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