Indonesia Ready to Host Three Badminton Tournaments in Bali

Bali Governor Wayan Koster also said that he fully supported the three badminton tournaments as they would give a positive image to his region.
The Island of the Gods is chosen because the Covid-19 vaccination program in the area has reached 100 percent.
In addition, Bali, which is famous for its tourism, can turn the wheels of the economy again after the stagnation due to the pandemic.
"Thank you to the PBSI for choosing Bali as the venue for these international badminton championships," Wayan said.
"These badminton events are very important for us to test whether we would be able to hold the championships well while dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic. In the future, Bali will host many international events," he added.
The Indonesian badminton team plans to send some of its best players to the three tournaments.
Players such as Anthony Sinisuka Ginting, Jonatan Christie, Shesar Hiren Rhustavito, Marcus Fernaldi, Kevin Sanjaya, Hendra Setiawan, Mohammad Ahsan, as well as up-and-coming Fajar Alfian and Rian Ardianto, are confirmed to take part in the tournaments.
Not only that, a row of international players such as Viktor Axelsen from Denmark, Kento Momota from Japan, Carolina Marin from Spain, and Akane Yamaguchi from Japan would also take part in the year-end tournaments. (pbsi/mcr16/mcr20/jpnn)
This news has been broadcast on with the title: Indonesia Siap Menjadi Tuan Rumah 3 Turnamen Bulu Tangkis di Bali
Indonesia will host three international badminton tournaments in Bali in mid-November to early December.
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