english.jpnn.com, BANDUNG - An elementary school teacher in the Sadang Serang area, Bandung, West Java, was allegedly killed by her ex-husband.
The murder took place in the school yard of the Tilil 032 Elementary School on Monday at around 7 a.m.
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The victim was identified with the initials AR (50), while her alleged killer was identified as N.
"The victim was stabbed. She immediately died on the spot," said Bandung Police criminal investigation unit head Senior Adjutant Commissioner Rudi Tri.
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He said that the police had secured the perpetrator, who is now under investigation at the Coblong Police Headquarters.
The police arrested the perpetrator at the school where the incident occurred. According to Rudi, the perpetrator did not run away.
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"The perpetrator remained there, along with the equipment he used," he said.
After the incident, the school terminated the teaching and learning activities. (antara/mcr20/jpnn)
This news has been broadcast on JPNN.com with the title: Ibu Guru Dibunuh di Halaman Sekolah di Bandung, Pelakunya Membuat Gempar, Tak Disangka