Students in Medan Allegedly Vaccinated with Empty Syringes, MEDAN - A video showing a health worker injecting an empty syringe to an elementary school student has gone viral on social media.
In the video uploaded to Instagram account @medanku, it is seen that a health worker wearing a red uniform unpacked a syringe. However, without pulling liquid into the syringe, the woman directly injected the needle into a little girl's arm.
Belawan Harbor Police chief Senior Adjutant Commissioner Faisal Rahmat said that the incident happened in Wahidin Elementary School in Medan Labuhan district, Medan.
"After we investigated the incident, we found out that it happened in Wahidin Elementary School, where children aged six to eleven were vaccinated," Faisal told reporters, Thursday (20/1).
Medan Health Agency head Taufiq Ririansyah said that the vaccination was not carried out by the Medan administration, but by the police. He added that the health workers were not provided by the Medan Health Agency.
The incident occurred on Monday (17/1). Authorities confirmed that two children were injected with empty syringes.
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Taufiq said that he had coordinated with Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, who asked that the incident be investigated immediately.
The Medan Health Agency will monitor the condition of the two children and see if an examination is needed. (mcr22/mcr20/jpnn)
This news has been broadcast on with the title: Viral Siswa di Medan Diduga Disuntik Vaksin Kosong, Anak Buah Bobby Nasution Bilang Begini