Jakarta Records Over 10,000 Daily Covid-19 Cases

Thursday, 10 February 2022 – 22:54 GMT+7
Illustration of the Covid-19 pandemic / Credit: Ricardo, JPNN

english.jpnn.com, JAKARTA - The Jakarta administration announced 11,090 Covid-19 cases on Thursday (10/2).

With this addition, Jakarta have recorded nearly 1.03 million cases since the beginning of the pandemic.

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"A total of 43,363 people were tested, 11,090 of whom came out positive," said Jakarta Health Agency disease prevention and control head Dwi Oktavia.

Meanwhile, the number of active cases rose by 5,620, making the number of people being treated or isolated reach 86,901.

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Dwi asked the public not to be negligent and implement health protocols strictly.

"We also urge the public to be aware of the transmission of the Omicron variant, which has been increasing in Jakarta," she said.

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The Covid-19 vaccination in Jakarta has reached over 12.1 million people, with 10 million of them receiving two doses of vaccine. (mcr4/mcr20/jpnn)

This news has been broadcast on JPNN.com with the title: Angka Covid-19 di DKI Bertambah 11.090 Kasus, Total Sebegini
