Anies Appoints Ahmad Sahroni as Formula E Chief Executive, JAKARTA - Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has appointed Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI) secretary general Ahmad Sahroni as the chief executive of the Jakarta E-Prix or Formula E.
In addition, Anies also appointed IMI chairman Bambang Soesatyo as the chair of the Formula E steering committee.
Sahroni, who is also House Commission III deputy chairman, said he was honored to be given the trust to lead the international electric car racing event. He said Formula E was not only a spectacle but the pride and future of Indonesia.
"I feel honoured. Hopefully, my passion and experience in the automotive world can help raise the name of Indonesia through this important event," said Sahroni in Jakarta, Friday (11/26).
Sahroni said that the Formula E event was like a campaign to show the international community that Indonesia and its capital city, Jakarta, were ready to be on par with big cities in other countries.
"Formula E is Indonesia's campaign to the world to show that Jakarta is ready to welcome the modern era that is environmentally friendly and on par with big cities in developed countries such as New York, London, Berlin," he said.
The general treasurer of the NasDem Party assessed that Formula E could be a momentum for the revival of the Indonesian economy from various scales, both micro and macro.
In addition, Sahroni said the use of electric cars in Formula E could also be an opportunity to disseminate information about the domestic electric industry as aspired by President Joko Widodo.
Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has appointed Indonesian Motorcycle Association (IMI) secretary general Ahmad Sahroni as the chief executive of Formula E.
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