Jokowi Challenges Sean Gelael to Appear in Formula E, LOMBOK - President Joko Widodo has challenged Sean Gelael to appear in the Formula E car racing event, which will be held in Jakarta, June 4, 2022.
This is revealed by Indonesian Motor Association (IMI) chairman Bambang Soesatyo.
According to Bambang, who is also the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Speaker, the President said this after inaugurating the Mandalika International Street Circuit, Central Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara.
"President Jokowi challenged Sean Gelael to compete in the Formula E racing event in Jakarta next year," said Bambang, Friday (12/11).
According to him, Sean did not immediately answered the President's challenge.
The best Indonesian racer, who was the runner-up in the FIA World Endurance Championship, just laughed, he added.
"Sean Gelael can become a local hero in the FIA Formula E world racing event," he said.
Sean, accompanied by Bambang and the chairman of the Advisory Board of the Mandalika Grand Prix Association (MGPA), Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, met President Jokowi on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Mandalika circuit.
President Joko Widodo has challenged Sean Gelael to appear in the Formula E car racing event.
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