Cooking Oil Scammer Defrauds Victims of Millions of Rupiahs, JAWA TIMUR - Bangkalan police officers in Madura, East Java, have managed to uncover a fraud case that occurred in their jurisdiction.
The suspect was a housewife with the initials GM (28), a resident of Kraton village, Bangkalan district.
She was arrested for committing a fraud by selling cooking oil via WhatsApp.
A victim, AM (24) from Demangan, Bangkalan, reported her to the authorities.
According to Bangkalan Police Chief Senior Adjutant Commissioner Alith Alarino, on March 19, the victim ordered 970 boxes of cooking oil to the suspect and was promised that it would be delivered on April 2.
"The victim was interested in buying from the suspect because the cooking oil was sold at a very cheap price," said Alith, citing the East Java Police website.
AM then made payments four times, reaching a total of Rp 140.65 million.
Until April 8, GM had not sent a single box to the customer.