Pertamina Gains MURI Record for Women Empowerment, JAKARTA - State-owned oil and gas company Pertamina has won the MURI record for women's MSME empowerment through digital stores at the 2021 SMEXPO Show Case event.
Pertamina's acting senior vice president of corporate communications and investor relations, Fajriyah Usman, said his company, as one of the largest SOEs in Indonesia, had an important role in actively providing guidance and assistance to small entrepreneurs, cooperatives, and the community.
Fajriyah said that Pertamina had distributed business capital and provided guidance to MSMEs since 1993.
"Partnership assistance has been distributed to more than 65,000 fostered partners throughout Indonesia, spread from Sabang to Merauke," said Fajriyah.
To continue to support women MSME players, Pertamina and the Indonesian Women Entrepreneurs Association (IWAPI), as well as the National Committee for Sharia Economics and Finance (KNEKS), will collaborate to expand the Pinky Movement Program to more than 30,000 Indonesian women entrepreneurs.
The Pinky Movement program targets IWAPI members throughout Indonesia, who have LPG outlet units in the trade sector and MSME units using LPGs in the culinary, industrial, and other sectors.
This program includes financing and coaching to increase competence of IWAPI members and help them advance.
Several criteria that must be met to join the program include increasing production capacity, obtaining business certificates and permits, increasing turnover, and marketing products to other regions or countries.