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Lots of Requests for Bilateral Meetings, Jokowi Says

Thursday, 11 November 2021 – 17:58 GMT+7
Lots of Requests for Bilateral Meetings, Jokowi Says - English Lots of Requests for Bilateral Meetings, Jokowi Says - English
President Joko Widodo / Credit: Ricardo, JPNN, JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo noticed something different during the G20 Summit in Italy and the Climate Change Conference in Glasgow.

He revealed that many world leaders and global figures wanted to meet him on the sidelines of the events.

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"There are so many requests for bilateral meetings from other countries that were present," said Jokowi during the 10th NasDem Party Anniversary event in Jakarta, Thursday (11/11).

The President admitted that he was surprised by those requests.

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He saw that this was inseparable from Indonesia's achievements in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"It was something different compared to the previous summits," said Jokowi.

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The former Jakarta governor said that the leaders who wanted to meet him came from developed countries.

Jokowi acknowledged that Indonesia was the only developing country that held the G20 Presidency, so Indonesia must take advantage of this momentum.

"Really, we're sitting on a par with developed countries, discussing how can we boost things and how can we take advantage of this position for the national improvement," said Jokowi. (tan/mcr20/jpnn)


This news has been broadcast on with the title: Jokowi Merasa Ada yang Berbeda dari Para Pemimpin Dunia, Kenapa?