Mount Semeru Eruption Kills 13, Injures Dozens More, JAWA TIMUR - The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has revealed that 13 people have died as a result of the eruption of Mount Semeru, East Java, as of Sunday (5/12) at 09.20 a.m.
"A total of 13 people were reported to have died as a result of the incident. Two people have just been identified from the Kobokan and Kubuan clusters, Pronojiwo district, Lumajang regency, East Java," said BNPB information and communication center acting head Abdul Muhari.
In addition, dozens of others suffered injuries, especially burns.
The injured included 40 people being treated at the Pasirian Health Center, seven people at the Candipuro Health Center, and ten people at the Penanggal Health Center, including two pregnant women.
"Emergency handling continues after the eruption of Mount Semeru, which took place on Saturday. The Lumajang Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) and a joint team are still continuing the search and evacuation of affected and missing residents," he said.
Abdul said that the joint team had succeeded in evacuating residents that were trapped in the mine owner's office. Currently, the residents are being treated in the Kobokan Curah Post. (tan/mcr20/jpnn)
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This news has been broadcast on with the title: Innalillahi, 13 Warga Meninggal Akibat Erupsi Gunung Semeru
The BNPB has revealed that 13 people have died as a result of the eruption of Mount Semeru, East Java, as of Sunday (5/12) at 09.20 a.m.
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