Evacuees Begin Returning Home After Mount Merapi Eruption: BPBD

english.jpnn.com, KLATEN - People affected by the eruption of Mount Merapi in Klaten regency had begun to return to their homes, the Central Java Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) said.
BPBD Central Java head Bergas Catursari Penanggungan said the eruption of Mount Merapi occurred from around 11.30 p.m. on Wednesday (9/3) to 00.30 a.m. on Thursday (10/3).
The eruption caused people in the Balerante area, Klaten regency, to evacuate independently to local camps.
"Approximately 60 people around Balerante, Klaten, fled," said Bergas, Thursday (10/3).
Bergas said the situation was now back to normal, and the residents had left the temporary shelters.
He ensured that logistical assistance from the BPBD Klaten would be distributed thoroughly to the affected community.
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He said the eruption of Mount Merapi also hit Magelang regency. However, the people there remained in their respective homes. (mcr5/mcr20/jpnn)
This news has been broadcast on JPNN.com with the title: Erupsi Gunung Merapi Hari Ini, BPBD: Warga yang Mengungsi Sudah Mulai Kembali