400 People Work in Rain to Complete Formula E Circuit in Ancol

english.jpnn.com, JAKARTA UTARA - City-owned developer PT Jakarta Propertindo (Jakpro) is speeding up the construction of the Formula E circuit in Ancol, North Jakarta.
The circuit will be used for an electric car racing event on June 4.
In order to achieve the construction target, Jakpro as the project holder employs about 400 people.
Despite unfavorable weather conditions, the workers continue to keep working.
"There are 3 shifts. The work is extraordinary. They even continue when it rains," said Jakpro President Director Widi Amanasto.
The work has reached above 80 percent. Almost the entire track has been paved with asphalt.
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Judging from the WPS channel on YouTube, there is no more dirt or mud at the scene.
Heavy equipment tools such as excavators and trucks carrying hot asphalt have been deployed to the construction site. (mcr4/mcr20/jpnn)
This news has been broadcast on JPNN.com with the title: Pengerjaan Sirkuit Formula E Dikebut, Jakpro Mempekerjakan 400 Orang, Hujan pun Tetap Bekerja