Bawaslu Elected as President of Global Network on Electoral Justice, JAKARTA - The General Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) has been elected as President of the Global Network on Electoral Justice (GNEJ). The appointment was made during the fourth international forum conducted online on Thursday (21/10) and Friday (22/10).
Bawaslu member Fritz Edward Siregar said that Bawaslu would serve from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2023, replacing the Superior Electoral Court of the Dominican Republic.
In this appoinment, there was no objection to Bawaslu from all administrators and representatives who were members of the GNEJ.
"All of the GNEJ governing councils have agreed to the appointment of Bawaslu as the GNEJ President. There was also an agenda for discussions at the GNEJ meeting, including discussions about the challenges faced by various countries in holding elections in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic," Fritz said.
In addition, he said, the GNEJ forum discussed a number of issues of several countries related to the implementation of elections such as gender inequality, disinformation, and difficulties in democracy enforcement.
"The GNEJ expressed its hope that Indonesia would be able to provide good changes in the future for this international forum," he said.
Besides Indonesia, several GNEJ vice presidents were also present, namely South Africa as the representative of Africa, Colombia as the representative of America, and Spain for as the representative of Europe.
On March 4, 2021, the GNEJ held a meeting to discuss several things such as a virtual calendar, exchange of experiences and issues related to elections, as well as the agreement to jointly contribute to providing an information exchange platform.
Bawaslu was elected as President of the Global Network on Electoral Justice (GNEJ) during the fourth international forum held online.
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