Neighborhoods in Tangerang Inundated for Five Days, TANGERANG - A total of nine neighborhood units in Dadap village, Kosambi, Tangerang, were seen submerged by a tidal flood on Tuesday (9/11).
The head of emergency and logistics division of the Tangerang Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD), Abdul Munir, said the areas inundated by the tidal flood were located in Ceng In village and Dadap Sawah village.
The water level was as high as an adult's ankle.
"The cause of the flood is the high tide," said Abdul.
According to Abdul, the tidal flood has occurred for five days.
However, he ensured that the current situation was safe and under control.
"These areas are often hit by a tidal flood," he said. (cr1/mcr20/jpnn)
This news has been broadcast on with the title: Sudah 5 Hari, 9 RT di Tangerang Terendam Banjir Rob, Begini Kondisinya